Emotion In Impact Videos, Why It Works In Litigation Cases
By Michael Schwarz Owner Prairie Nation Creative | Legal Impact Videos
“The Legal Speak of Marketing” – How a Filmmaker interprets the trends in video use for his litigation clients.
Search the web, subscribe to all the professional journals, and you will almost never see articles or surveys measuring the successful use of Impact Videos in Settlement, Vedict, or potential outcome. There is plenty to read on video used for litigation marketing and as evidence in a courtroom, but what is the difference in these 2 types of very important but very different videos? One has been used for years in the courtroom and one is a relative new settlement tool that can be an effective addition to your law firm practices.
Evidence Videos are certainly proven effective as a tool for making sure all parties are explained the evidence of the case. These types of videos by nature and historically have been devoid of emotion.
Impact Videos are all about emotion. Why? Because the life changing situations that create the need for an Impact Video ARE emotional issues and need careful and honest explanation. Legal Impact Videos are unique to each case. A talented Filmmaker who understands how to tell a compelling story can make all the difference to this type of media representation of your clients situation. An experienced and compassionate interviewer is essential. Having a superior knowledge of camera and lighting equipment is essential as setting up quickly and being as discrete as possible alleviate the fear of the filming process. An experienced film crew will create an environment of calm and intimacy with a victim of personal injury thereby creating a warm, trustful and safe environment for telling their story. Taking the time to study the case and all the details that need to be included in the final product are skills that a gifted Filmmaker/Director will add to the team. When a Legal Impact Video is done correctly it will be creative, accurate, and impactful, and the results can lead to faster and higher settlement amounts. Samples of Legal Impact Videos – https://prairie-creative.com/the-power-of-legal-impact-videos/
The Courts, devoid of any emotional connection to your client, need to see the TRUTH of the victims situation and the impact it is having and will have in the future on their lives AND the lives of their caretakers. The parties on both sides of the case need to see the facts explained through the eyes of the victim and their real life struggles.
Clients deserve the use of both Evidence Videos and Impact Videos to explain their unique situation.
“Video use leads to faster settlements, often in mediation.”
Over 70% of marketers claim that video produces more conversations than any other content. That is because video is more engaging, more memorable, and holds almost every other advantage over text. Used in litigation the same marketing based formula can apply. We use these metrics and apply them to the legal industry that we serve every day.
Your brain can process visuals much quicker than it can text. About 90% of the total information transmitted to your brain is visual.
On top of that, your brain can process these visuals 60,000 times faster than text.
The human brain is not only more used to seeing visuals but is also better at interpreting them.
For more information about Impact Video Use in Litigation visit our website and learn more about our unique way of filming and marketing for Legal Videos. Se many uses of these types of video and hear what our clients have to say about their experience in using video in litigation. https://prairie-creative.com