Trial Services

Video Expert Testimony

As Video Experts we’re here to help you feel confident during trial and provide you with articulated and professional expert testimonies. Our testimony is crafted to be easily understood by the judge and jury.

Video Expert Witness

Expert witness testimony is critical in winning your clients’ case. But finding one that can give their testimony on the stand can prove to be difficult. 

Prairie Nation Creative, LLC has been called to the stand to give our expert testimony on anything video-related and would be honored to do the same for you! 

3D Surgical Animations

We’ll go on the stand and give our expert opinion during trial. 

Vehicle Testing Video

Vehicle Testing Videos are great when you need to record vehicles in motion, vehicle speed-tests, crash tests, measurements of stopping and braking range and other hard-to-capture angles. Our high-def cameras can be custom rigged on any type of vehicle on land or water and can be used in high-speed and high-performance situations.