Why Attorneys should start using our Demand Impact Video!

A Mini Version of Our Signature Trial Trailer
All Attorneys has to do is send us all of the materials they have (Photos before, and after of the client, hospital records, seen photos, police reports a brief description of what happened and the damages.)
We will Conduct two short interviews via zoom and tell the story that can accompany your demand letter or make for a powerful opener to your mediation.
It will outline, medical bills, future damages, injuries, and shed light on your clients unique story.
This way demand or mediation stands out and takes your clients page and it’s not just a number.
Our product is designed for $50,000 – $100,000 cases where a full Trial Trailer cost may not make sense.
Don’t lose your chance to showcase your case-Contact us now!
Showcase your case to the max
Stands out and takes your clients page and it’s not just a number.
$50,000 - $100,000
Designed for cases where a full trial trailer cost may not make sense.
Professional Services
Conducting two short interviews via Zoom and creating a mini version of our signature trial trailer to outline crucial elements of your case.
Engaging Storytelling
Compelling visual aids complete with graphics, sound effects, and professional voiceovers to elicit an emotional response from your audience.
Maximized Impact
Detailed showcase of the unique circumstances of your case to ensure best impact possible.
Highlight your Attorney Skills
Major proof point pointing out the research about the increase settlement rates when using video demo in front of the insurance adjuster.
Peace of Mind
Excellent Customer Service throughout the entire journey